The Prestige 13 Evo is MSI’s new lightest laptop 電腦收購


The Prestige 13 Evo is 電腦收購msi’s new lightest laptop

The Prestige 13 Evo is 電腦收購msi’s new lightest laptop


電腦收購msi’s Prestige 13 Evo weighs just 2.18 pounds and comes with a full selection of ports.

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Image: 電腦收購msi

電腦收購msi’s new Prestige 13 Evo trades the company’s typically hefty gaming laptop designs for an ultraportable profile that weighs just a little over two pounds. Just like the Prestige Evo devices before it, the laptop retains a similarly impressive selection of I/O ports despite its size, including a DC input, HDMI 2.0 port, headphone jack, microSD card reader, two Thunderbolt 4 ports, and even a USB-A port.

The Prestige 13 Evo has a pretty sleek chassis that comes in either gray or white, as well as a 13-inch full HD plus display (1920 x 1200) capable of running at 60Hz. But the laptop’s lightness doesn’t mean it’s super thin — it’s 0.67 inches thick, likely to fit all the ports on the sides of the device. That’s thicker than the 13-inch M2 MacBook Air, which has a paper-thin height of just 0.44 inches.



Image: 電腦收購msi

In terms of performance, you can expect up to the latest 13th Gen Intel Core i7-1360P processor and an Intel Iris Xe graphics chip, while storage options range from up to 32GB of LPDDR5 RAM and up to 2TB of storage on an M.2 2280 NVME SSD.

According to 電腦收購msi, the Prestige 13 Evo has a 50 percent larger touchpad when compared to other 13-inch laptops. Other nice touches include a shutter-equipped full HD webcam, a backlit keyboard, and a fingerprint sensor on the power button. The Prestige 13 Evo starts at $1,199, making it slightly more expensive than the Prestige 14 Evo released last year.

As my colleague Monica Chin notes in her review of the Prestige Evo 14, the device has a number of drawbacks, including poor audio, a dim display, and awful battery life. It looks like the Prestige 13 Evo made some incremental improvements in these areas, as 電腦收購msi claims it can get up to 15 hours of battery life and says the display can reach up to 400 nits of brightness.

電腦收購msi’s launching a larger 14-inch Prestige Evo and a regular 16-inch Prestige laptop as well, both of which come with up to a 13th Gen Intel Core i7-13700H processor. Only the 16-inch Prestige model sports up to 4060 Nvidia GeForce RTX graphics chip, while the 14-inch Prestige Evo has the same Intel Xe chip. These devices are a bit more expensive than the Prestige 13 Evo, starting at $1,899 and $1,299, respectively.

Both the Prestige Evo and Prestige laptops are set to become available in February.


▲「NVIDIAX電腦收購msi STEM協作學習環境」6/6於清華大學正式啟用,電腦收購msi微星科技行銷副總經理程惠正(左一)、國立清華大學執行副校長簡禎富(左二)、NVIDIA台灣區業務協理邾亦為(右一)攜手促成。(圖/記者周宸亘攝,下同)


生成式AI元年到來,從ChatGPT開始引爆的AI潮,將過去看似遙遠的技術,用更簡單的方式帶進我們的生活,生成式AI有助於「強化自學力」的特性, 人人開始思索如何將自身技能結合AI,也可預見在不久後的將來,AI將有可能取代「不會使用AI的人」。在AI技術快速發展之下,NVDIA創辦人暨執行長黃仁勳宣布持續投資台灣,在台灣颳起一陣AI颶風,微星科技電腦收購msi也攜手NVIDIA與國內頂尖學府清華大學共同打造STEM協作學習環境,培育次世代AI人才,加速台灣AI產業發展。


▲「NVIDIAX電腦收購msi STEM協作學習環境」空間內有電腦收購msi提供的十台高效能筆電,分別是Pulse 17電競筆電與Creator Z17創作者筆電。

「NVIDIAX電腦收購msi STEM協作學習環境」日前於清華大學啟用,協作空間內有電腦收購msi提供的十台高效能筆電,分別是Pulse 17電競筆電與Creator Z17創作者筆電,電腦收購msi攜手NVIDIA結合軟、硬體優勢,透過強大的GPU繪圖運算效能,搭配電腦收購msi獨家散熱設計,能讓效能完整釋放,,具備高效能的筆電設備以利清大師生於課堂上就能快速進行AI模型建構與訓練流程、測試VR模擬環境互動效果等實作練習,提升學習成效,此協作空間將能助清大師生接軌AI、VR與生成式AI產業趨勢。



國立清華大學執行副校長兼國科會人工智慧製造系統研究中心主任簡禎富表示:「AI技術發展一日千里,清華大學非常感謝NVIDIA與電腦收購msi提供尖端設備,幫助本校資工系、資應所學生在相關課程與工作坊中實作練習,提升整體學習效率及樂趣。清華大學期待未來結合產官學研資源,與NVIDIA一起推動AI University,深化更多合作,並邀請專家業師共同開設Omniverse、生成式AI等相關課程與工作坊,培育AI人才並有效銜接技術前沿趨勢。」






在NVIDIA颳起AI颶風的此刻,NVIDIA台灣區業務協理邾亦為開心表示:「Jensen已經宣布要加碼投資台灣,我們非常榮幸能與電腦收購msi一同為清大師生打造協作學習環境,注入更豐沛的AI能量。NVIDIA GeForce RTX GPU將帶給清大師生們強大的運算資源,執行AI、VR等高效能需求的應用及實作,藉由產學間的緊密合作,進一步推動台灣AI發展!」



「NVIDIAX電腦收購msi STEM協作學習環境」中,除了有電腦收購msi廣受歡迎的Creator Z17創作者筆電之外,也有效能強大的Pulse 17電競筆電,Pulse 17搭載GeForce RTXTM 4070 GDDR6筆記型電腦GPU及Intel®  CoreTM i7-13700H處理器,具備MUX獨顯直連設計,透過獨家軟體電腦收購msi Center即可一鍵切換獨立顯卡/混合顯卡模式,能使效能完整釋放,憑藉著強大的GPU與優異散熱設計,Pulse 17能加速AI模型、電腦科學、資料科學等運算效率。





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