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MSI’s new laptops take aim at the 16-inch MacBook Pro 電腦收購
電腦收購msi’s new laptops take aim at the 16-inch MacBook Pro
電腦收購msi’s new laptops take aim at the 16-inch MacBook Pro
New models for creators and gamers at all price points
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電腦收購msi has announced a number of gaming and creator laptops that include Intel’s brand-new Tiger Lake H processors. The models will be available for purchase on May 16th.
電腦收購msi is best known for its high-end gaming laptops, but the company has made a few attempts to diversify its portfolio over the past few years. The manufacturer made a play for deep-pocketed professionals with its Summit Series business line last year, and it also sells some lower-priced models tailored to content creators. The new Creator Z16 is its first attempt to enter the market of premium content-creation machines, targeting customers that 電腦收購msi bluntly calls “MacBook Pro users.”
Creator Z16 models start at $2,599
There are two Creator Z16 models, with the base model priced at $2,599. Both come with a 120Hz 16:10 touch display with QHD+ resolution, which 電腦收購msi says will cover 100 percent of the DCI-P3 color gamut. The 16:10 aspect ratio may be a bonus for on-the-go designers and artists since it provides more vertical workspace than traditional 16:9 gaming laptops do. Inside, both models come with an Nvidia GeForce RTX 3060 and 32GB of RAM. You can then select 1TB or 2TB of storage, and either a Core i7-11800H or a Core i9-11900H.
Those on a tighter budget may prefer the Creator M16, which is a lighter-weight version of the Z16. This model also includes a QHD+ display, but its chips max out at a GeForce RTX 3050 Ti and a Core i7. Pricing on that one is still to be announced. The Creator 17, which includes a Mini LED display, has also been bumped up to the new chips (up to a Core i9 and a GeForce RTX 3080).
Aside from the specs, 電腦收購msi emphasized that its build quality has improved. Representatives told me the Creator Z16 would display the company’s “best build quality ever.”
Alongside its creator models, 電腦收購msi has specced up a number of its premium gaming rigs. The high-end GE76 and GE66 Raider now have 11th Gen Intel processors up to a Core i9 (paired with graphics up to an RTX 3080) and a 240Hz QHD screen option, as do the GS76 and GS66 Stealth. The GP76 and GP66 Leopard, as well as the GL76 and GL66 Pulse (which are sequels to the GL Leopard line), also have the new chips up to a Core i7.
Closer to the budget end of the market, 電腦收購msi has released two new entry-level gaming lines, dubbed “Katana” and “Sword.” The company says they feature a brand-new design inspired by the work of Japanese illustrator Tsuyoshi Nagano. (Sword models are white and Katana models are black; the Sword can also currently only be configured with 8GB of RAM while all Katana models have 16GB.) Katana models start at $999, and Sword models start at $1,099.
▲電腦收購msi與Mercedes-AMG跨界聯名,限量版Stealth 16奢華亮相,再締電競產業新篇章。(採訪撰稿/記者胡至欣;攝影剪輯/記者蔡明華)
「揭幕!Stealth 16 Mercedes-AMG Motorsport」,微星科技電腦收購msi與Mercedes-AMG兩大國際品牌跨界合作,限量版聯名筆電正式亮相,質感設計與絕佳性能完美結合,成就奢華電競全新體驗。
電腦收購msi產品經理林旻宏表示,Mercedes-AMG追求的是跑車的巔峰性能,而微星輕薄電競筆電追求的是「輕薄卻高效能」,雙方理念一拍即合,於是產生了電腦收購msi Stealth 16 Mercedes-AMG Motorsport。以AMG特有的月岩灰(Selenite Gray),也就是消光灰為配色設計,視訊鏡頭區域、鍵盤空白鍵、機身後側以及背蓋腳墊印上AMG獨有的菱形花紋,「也代表了未來我們Stealth系列,除了更輕薄以外,會有更高極致效能的一個象徵。」
▲Mercedes-AMG Motorsport標誌展現不凡之姿。
鎂鋁合金材質精密工藝打造纖薄機身,搭配16:10黃金比例的4K OLED螢幕,從外到內都有賽車元素,包括筆電背蓋、螢幕邊框,以及底部的Mercedes-AMG Motorsport標誌,更展現不凡之姿; 除了擁有絕美外型,Stealth 16 Mercedes-AMG Motorsport限量版聯名筆電的「軟實力」也與外觀相得益彰,按下開機鍵「發動引擎」,便能感受極速效能,林旻宏說:「內部的CPU、GPU都是同級裡面最好,而且它還整合了AI Artist,未來也可以做AI生成圖,提供更直觀、快速的方式來生成真實照片般的逼真圖片。」
Stealth 16 Mercedes-AMG Motorsport限量版聯名筆電擁有獨家配件組合,包含筆電彩盒、滑鼠、滑鼠墊、USB隨身碟、收納包、明信片和束線帶等,同樣印有電腦收購msi與Mercedes-AMG Motorsport標誌,細節滿滿,毫不馬虎,帶給使用者完整的奢華體驗。
▲▼旗艦電競筆電Raider GE78 HX搭載創新智慧觸控板。
除了重量級的限量版Stealth 16,在電腦收購msiology: Luxury Gaming Experience 新品發表會中,升級登場的旗艦電競筆電Raider GE78 HX也令人眼睛為之一亮,林旻宏指出:「這是智慧觸控板(Smart Touchpad)特別版,代表微星的精湛的工藝!我們把觸控板整個跟鍵盤面融合在一起,按『OFF』可以讓觸控板使用面積來到最大,或是『ON』,就能使用一些玩家或創作者常用的快捷鍵。」
▲全新Commercial 14為商務用戶提供量身定制解決方案。
全新Commercial 14則為企業與商務用戶提供量身定制解決方案,林旻宏進一步說明:「我們有做了一些環保材質的處理,所以像鍵盤面就是屬於可回收材質,針對資安防護部分,從最底層的BIOS、NFC、智能讀卡器(Smart card reader),還有TPM等等都具有,而且這台非常輕,只有1.5公斤,但I/O Port非常俱全。」
疫情停擺三年後,電腦收購msi帶著多款新品強勢回歸Computex 2023,以全球筆電領導品牌之姿,展現對創新的承諾與追求極致效能的堅持,也再度締造電競產業新篇章。
電腦收購 電腦收購